Even though the start book came out in 1997, Harry Potter continues to be ane of the about popular and successful fantasy franchises of all fourth dimension, and its characters remain among the nigh honey ever.

 A lot of the main characters from the series were just as young as the readers of the books, while others were earth-weary adults. No matter their age, the characters evolved a lot over the years, fifty-fifty though some inverse more than others. Here are how their journeys compare.

Updated on Dec 12th, 2021 by Matthew Rudoy:The grapheme arcs of main characters similar Severus Snape and Harry Potter are never forgotten and are notwithstanding discussed frequently by fans. Yet, there are other main characters who also developed greatly equally characters and who accept arcs that are only as compelling. These characters besides deserve to accept their arcs remembered and explored, especially every bit fans celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone film.

fifteen Voldemort

Tom Riddle wasn't always the ultimate villain only his ambition, equally well as hatred for his muggle family, led him to become a fanatic who wanted to rule the world.

His ambition ended up his downfall in the end, every bit he ripped his soul apart to be immortal, and created the Horcruxes which allowed Harry to destroy them and kill Voldemort. He did not acquire from his mistakes and did not grow as a character.

14 Sirius Blackness

Sirius Black was e'er dauntless, bold, and eager to stand up for the ones he loved. What he did proceeds over the years were maturity and wisdom. He learned a lot of this through being Harry's godfather and by trying to gear up a positive case for him.

While Sirius did grow in many means, he still never outgrew sure harmful tendencies like his impulsivity, anger, and long-held prejudices. These things tragically contributed to Kreacher'southward betrayal and his decision to go to the Department of Mysteries, all of which led to his heartbreaking death, a death that could accept been avoided.

13 Molly Weasley

The maternal and frequently overprotective Molly Weasley always had a fierce beloved for her children. Molly proved that her identity was far more than this, though, equally she became a vital member of the Club of the Phoenix. Furthermore, when Bellatrix Lestrange tried to kill Ginny during the Boxing of Hogwarts, Molly confronted Bellatrix without hesitation.

Molly dueled the powerful Death Eater and was the 1 to impale her. Molly showed that she was more than a maternal archetype and that she would do whatever is necessary to defend her loved ones and to save the earth from tyranny.

12 Remus Lupin

Ashamed of existence a werewolf and worried about how his condition could harm others, Remus Lupin tried to isolate himself from order for much of his life. However, the friendships he formed as a student at Hogwarts and years later equally a Defense force Confronting the Dark Arts professor showed that it was a error for Lupin to hide himself abroad.

He had so much to offer as a friend, teacher, mentor, and his relationship with Nymphadora Tonks showed how much he had to offer equally a romantic partner. In the books, he briefly considered running abroad when Tonks became pregnant with his child--who he worried would be a werewolf, similar him--only Lupin chop-chop returned to Tonks and lived out the rest of his life as a supportive, intelligent, and brave man.

11 Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood's eccentric interests and behaviors made her a loner during her first years at Hogwarts. When she became friends with Harry, Neville, and the other members of Dumbledore's Regular army, Luna no longer had to be a loner.

She was accepted every bit part of a group while still maintaining the quirks that made her a unique private in the offset place. Luna's growth shows that a person tin can maintain their individuality while even so finding inclusion and acceptance amongst friends and peers.

10 Neville Longbottom

Neville was mercilessly bullied and mocked for years at Hogwarts. When he stood up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione and tried to foreclose them from leaving Gryffindor Tower in The Sorcerer's Stone, it showed tremendous backbone and moral resolve, and that Neville was capable of far more than anyone realized.

Through Dumbledore's Ground forces and the oppression that engulfed Hogwarts and the entire Wizarding World, Neville never lost sight of that courage and moral resolve that fans glimpsed in the kickoff book. At Hogwarts, Neville became the leader of Dumbledore's Army and the resistance confronting the Death Eaters and was even the one to destroy Voldemort's final Horcrux.

ix Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid was the first person who introduced Harry to the concept of magic - by visiting Harry when he celebrated his 11th birthday.

Hagrid told Harry he was a wizard and and so connected to be his friend while Harry studied at Hogwarts. And fifty-fifty though Hagrid himself didn't change that much in grapheme, he still remained a vital part of the series as he supported Harry but similar any adept friend should.

8 Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall's private life was mostly kept a hole-and-corner but as a professor, she evolved over time. She seemed strict and emotionless at beginning only later proved that she cared securely about people close to her.

And when the time came to defend Hogwarts against Voldemort'due south ground forces, McGonagall fought bravely for her dwelling house, which fabricated the victory all the sweeter for everyone involved in the boxing - herself included.

7 Ron Weasley

Different his all-time friends, Harry and Hermione, Ron Weasley didn't modify that much. It'due south truthful he became a scrap braver and believed in himself more - which he demonstrated by fighting confronting Voldemort and his servants.

But different Harry and Hermione, Ron had no bigger ambition to brand something of his life and he ended up working in his brother'due south shop. He seems happy but his friends' transformation is simply more than significant.

6 Albus Dumbledore

The more than the readers learned about Albus Dumbledore, the more obvious it became Dumbledore had plenty of nighttime secrets subconscious in his by.

He wasn't always truthful with Harry and could be just the tiniest bit manipulative. Dumbledore'due south character arc came to an stop when he allow himself exist killed by Snape - but before that happened, Dumbledore did everything in his power to make sure Harry would be able to defeat Voldemort in the end.

5 Hermione Granger

In a style, Hermione Granger was always a badass. She simply had to learn how to become along with people, how to make friends, and combine her intelligence and kind nature. Hermione was always ambitious and clever, she didn't let other people dictate what she should do, how she should behave or await.

She grew up to be an independent and powerful woman who worked as the minister of magic and she managed to both build a career and start a family.

4 Severus Snape

Severus Snape wasn't e'er the near sympathetic grapheme - and for the longest time ever, it looked like he would remain the antagonist. Snape hated Harry, he was dismissive toward many students, bullied some of them (such as Neville), and then it turned out he was working for Voldemort.

However, Harry finally realized Snape was a double agent all this time, and as he learned more well-nigh Snape's past, he also constitute out all the proficient things Snape has done for Dumbledore and Harry himself.

iii Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy started out as the typical antagonist whose main point was to brand the hero's life as difficult as possible. Simply as more information became available about Draco's life and his family, information technology also became obvious there was more to the young Slytherin student.

In the cease, Draco was able to rebel against Voldemort, refused to kill Dumbledore, married a woman whom he loved, raised his son well, and even managed to reconcile with Harry. Non bad for a guy who used to spew hateful words at anybody around him.

two Ginny Weasley

Even though she didn't have as much space in the films as she did in the books, Ginny has undergone a serious transformation in the series. When she commencement appeared, she was simply a kid, trusting, sweet, just easily manipulated. That immune Voldemort to open up the Chamber of Secrets thanks to Ginny.

As Ginny grew upwards, she became fierce and open up-minded, smart and funny. She played Quidditch, stopped being so shy around Harry, and she managed to get what she wanted in the finish. She married Harry and played Quidditch professionally before she switched to writing well-nigh her dearest sport.

i Harry Potter

Harry is the main grapheme of the series - and then it makes sense that his graphic symbol arc is also the most detailed one. Harry had to learn a lot of things, defeat many dangers and enemies earlier he could finally pb a peaceful life with his wife Ginny and three children.

Harry didn't always behave in the best style, but as he aged, he became more patient and less impulsive. Non to mention he managed to defeat Voldemort which is not a bad score for someone then young.

Next: Every Harry Potter Pic's Biggest Missing Grapheme

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